1 D0819-1001000 发动机悬置总成 Engine suspending assembly 图 Drawing
2 D0708-1002000 气缸体总成 Cylinder Block Assembly
图 Drawing
3 D0708-1002200 齿轮室部件 Timing Gear Housing parts
图 Drawing
4 D0303-1003000 气缸盖及气缸盖罩总成 Cylinder Head and Cylinder Head Cover Assembly
图 Drawing
5 D0200-1004000 活塞连杆总成 Piston and Connecting Rod Assembly
图 Drawing
6 D08S1-1005000 曲轴减振器总成 Crankshaft Vibration Damper Assembly
图 Drawing
7 D30-1006000A 凸轮轴总成 Camshaft Assembly
图 Drawing
8 D30-1007000A 气门挺杆总成 Valve Tappet Assembly
图 Drawing
9 D08G2-1008000 进排气管总成 Intake and exhaust pipe assembly
10 D0811-1009000 油底壳总成 Oil Sump Assembly
图 Drawing
11 D0302-1010000 机油集滤器总成 Oil Strainer Assembly
图 Drawing
12 D30-1011000A 机油泵总成 Oil Pump Assembly
图 Drawing
13 B8800-1012000 机油滤清器总成 Oil Filter Assembly
图 Drawing
14 D0135-1013000 机油冷却器总成 Oil Cooler Assembly
图 Drawing
15 D1099-1014000 曲轴箱通风装置总成 Crankshaft case venti-device assembly
图 Drawing
16 D0811-1104000 供给系管路总成 Fuel Supply lines Assembly
图 Drawing
17 D0200-1105000A 柴油滤清器总成 Fuel Filter Assembly
图 Drawing
18 D0800-1111000 喷油泵总成 Fuel Injection Pump Assembly
图 Drawing
19 D0800-1112000 喷油器总成 Injector Assembly
图 Drawing
20 D0811-1130000 燃油喷射泵附件总成 Fuel injection pump auxiliary assembly
21 D0803-1118000 增压器总成 Turbocharger Assembly
图 Drawing
22 D0802-1303000 散热器水管及软管总成 Water Pipe and Hose Assembly for Radiator
图 Drawing 23 631-1305000 放水开关总成 Drainage Switch Assembly
图 Drawing
24 D12F1-1306000 调温器总成 Thermostat Assembly
图 Drawing
25 D0811-1307000 水泵总成 Water Pump Assembly
图 Drawing
26 D12F5-1308000 风扇总成 Fan Assembly
图 Drawing
27 D0103-1600000 离合器总成 Clutch assembly
图 Drawing
28 D0110-3407000 转向泵总成 Steering Pump Assembly
图 Drawing
29 D0110-3509000 气制动空气压缩机总成 Pneumatic Air Compressor Assembly
图 Drawing
30 D7001-3701000 发电机总成 Alternator Assembly
图 Drawing
31 D30-3708000 起动电机总成 Starter Assembly
图 Drawing
32 D0103-3800000 仪表、感应器总成 Instruments and Sensors
图 Drawing
33 D1000-3904000 铭牌 Data plate
图 Drawing
1 D0102-1002080 前左支架焊接件
Front Left bracket
2 D0102-1002070 前右支架焊接件
Front Right bracket
3 Q40112 垫圈 12 washer 12 8
4 Q40312 垫圈 12 washer 12 8
5 Q150B1225TF2 螺栓 M12X25 bolt M12×2 8
1 Q1840855TF2 螺栓 M8×55 Bolt 3
2 D30-1002054 正时惰齿轮挡板 Timing idle gear
retaining board
3 D30-1002051 正时惰齿轮 Timing idle gear 1
4 D30-1002052 惰齿轮轴 Idle gear shaft 1
5 YC208-B01600F O 形圈 2.65×16 O-ring 2
6 6105Q-1002067 主油道密封塞 Main oil passage
seal plug
7 D30-1002010A 气缸体部件 Cylinder block
8 6105Q-1002022 铝堵 Aluminum plug 1
9 Q61101 开槽锥形螺塞 NPT1/8 Grooved tapered
screw plug
10 430-1002162B 过油螺栓 Hollow bolt for oil 4
11 430-1002163 垫圈 Washer 4
12 D30–1002740 喷嘴组件 Nozzle subassembly 4
13 D30-1002068A 油道堵塞 Oil passage
14 YC24-0408 销 4×8 Pin 4×8 2
15 D30-1002062A 凸轮轴端盖垫片 Camshaft end cover
16 D30-1002061 凸轮轴端盖 Camshaft end cover 1
17 Q40308 垫圈 8 Washer 8 3
18 Q150B0820 螺栓 M8×20 Bolt M8×20 3
19 6105Q-1002069 后主油道堵塞 Rear oil passage
20 330-10020212A 主轴承盖螺栓 Main bearing cover
21 A3000-1002063B 气缸套封水圈 Cylinder liner
water seal ring
22 A3000-1002063 气缸套封水圈 Cylinder liner 4 water seal ring
23 D30-1002064B 气缸套 Cylinder liner 4
2022版权所有 广州锋芒机械有限公司 联系电话:18565598186 Q Q: 18565598186